Data Augmentation Training by Markus Liedl

Data augmentation is important to fully exploit tagged data. Tagging data manually is expensive and time consuming. Proper data augmentation techniques can make the difference between a useful neural network and a useless one. Yet, whether a technique is proper or not depends on the characteristics of the data and has to be judged or individually designed for each project.

In this one day course we'll look at:

As data we'll be using images. Many of the openly available datasets can be used for this course: We'll simply take a very small part of the available data and see how good our networks can get.

If you are interested in the training mail me at Normally the training will happen in or near Munich, Germany. This training is also available as a workshop.

This course is available in English and German.

Related Deep Learning courses are

Impressum: Diese Seite wird angeboten von Markus Liedl, Ehrwalderstr. 79a, 81377 München. phone: 015114422353 email: